BUVECO Gasdetection

Contact, telefoonnummer, adres & vestigingen.

BUVECO Gasdetection
  • BUVECO Gasdetection
  • Bleiswijk, Zuid-Holland

Buveco is a manufacturer and supplier of electronic gas detection equipment and part of the Consilium group.

Consilium is an international company with 55 offices world-wide, appr. 850 employees and a supplier of Safety Equipment for the land market, transport, shipping, offshore, etc. segments. You can find more information about our product and markets on our websites www.buveco.com and www.consilium.se

Consiliums Strategic goals are:
- To be the market leader in our segments
- To be a great place to work
- To be an attractive investment

The three strategic goals are equally important and must be balanced in order to move us towards our vision.


BUVECO Gasdetection https://cdn.technicus.nl/logo_groot/1a5ce4e96aec4b3e9872fbb506270fc727fa9d1690eadee5.jpg https://cdn.technicus.nl/logo_groot/1a5ce4e96aec4b3e9872fbb506270fc727fa9d1690eadee5.jpg
2665JA Bleiswijk Zuid-Holland NL